Seite 386 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
follow Jesus, you are His disciple; if you follow your own impulses,
your own unsanctified heart, you say plainly, I want not Thy way, O
Lord, but mine.
We are to take in the situation, and decide what is our purpose. I
have a deep interest in the young men and young women who have
enlisted in the army of the Lord. My love for Jesus Christ imbues me
with a love for the souls of all for whom Christ has died. The words,
“Ye are laborers together with God,” mean much. No one can make
conditions with God. We are servants of the living God, and all who
shall be educated in our school, are to be trained to be workers. They
labor to acquire correct principles. They are to connect with Christ by
faith. Thus they can give great satisfaction to the heavenly universe.
If each volunteer in the army of the Lord will do his best, God will
do the rest. They are to call nothing their own. When striving for the
victory, they are to strive lawfully. The Word is to be their teacher.
Unholy ambition will not advance them, for God only can give them
true wisdom and understanding; but He will not work with Satan. If
envy and unholy ambition are cherished, if they wrestle for the victory
to obtain human glory, the mind will be filled with confusion. Do your
best. Advance as fast as possible to reach a high standard in spiritual
things. Sink self in Jesus Christ, and aim ever to glorify His name.
Bear in mind that talent, learning, position, wealth, and influence are
gifts from God; therefore they should be consecrated to Him. Seek
to obtain an education that will qualify you to be wise stewards of
the manifold grace of Christ Jesus, servants under Christ, to do His
Let all students seek to take as broad a view as possible of their
obligations to God. They are not to look forward to a time after the
school term closes, when they will do some large, noted work. But
they are to study earnestly how they can commence practical working
in their student life by yoking up with Christ. Let every impulse be on
the Lord’s side. Do not pull down and discourage those who are your
teachers. Do not burden their souls by manifesting a spirit of levity
and a careless disregard of rules.
Students, you can make this school first class in success by being
laborers together with your teachers to help other students, and by
zealously uplifting yourselves from a cheap, common, low standard.
Let each see what improvement he can make in conforming his conduct