Seite 387 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Correct School Discipline
to Bible rules. Those who will seek to be themselves elevated and
ennobled are cooperating with Jesus Christ by becoming refined in
speech, in temper, under the control of the Holy Spirit. They are yoked
up with Jesus Christ. They will not flounce about, and become unruly
and self-caring, studying their own selfish pleasures and gratification.
They bend all their efforts with Jesus Christ as the messengers of His
mercy and love, ministering to others of His grace. Their hearts throb
in unison with Christ’s heart. They are one with Christ in spirit, one
with Christ in action. They seek to store the mind with the precious
treasures of the word of God, that each may do the work appointed
him by God, to gather in the bright rays of the Sun of Righteousness,
that they may shine unto others.
If you will watch and pray, and make earnest efforts in the right
direction, you will be thoroughly imbued with the spirit of Jesus Christ.
“Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh,
to fulfil the lusts thereof.” Be determined that you will make this school
a success, and if you will heed the instruction given in the word of
God, you may go forth with a development of intellectual and moral
power that will cause even angels to rejoice, and God will rejoice over
you with singing. If you are under God’s discipline, you will secure the
harmony and co-operation of the physical, mental, and moral powers,
and the fullest development of your God-given faculties. Let not the
buoyancy and the lust of youth through manifold temptations make
your opportunities and privileges a failure. Day by day put on Christ,
and in the brief season of your test and trial here below, maintain your
dignity in the strength of God, as co-workers with the highest agencies
during your scholastic life.
All should say, I will not fail. I will not through my influence
betray myself or my companions into the hands of the enemy. I will
heed the words of the Lord. “Let him take hold of My strength, that
he may make peace with Me, and he shall make peace with Me.” Ever
remember that you have One by your side who says to you, “Be not
afraid.” “I have overcome the world.” Bear in mind that Christ came
as the Prince of heaven, and has engaged in an eternal warfare against
the principles of sin. All who will unite with Christ will be workers
together with God in this warfare.
“For their sakes I sanctify Myself,” Christ said, “that they also
might be sanctified through the truth.” The Lord Jesus is the way, the