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Fundamentals of Christian Education
truth, and the life; and those who unite with Him, putting Him on, will
work as colaborers with Him, by conforming to the principles of truth.
By beholding, they become imbued with truth, and unite with Christ
to transform the living temple given to idols, that human beings may
become cleansed, refined, sanctified, temples for the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit.
“I have declared unto them Thy name,” Christ said, “and will
declare it: that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in
them, and I in them.” The Lord has made abundant provision that His
love may be given to us as His free, abundant grace, as our inheritance
in this life, to enable us to diffuse the same by being yoked up with
Christ. Jesus conveys the circulating vitality of a pure and sanctified
Christlike love through every part of our human nature. When this
love is expressed in the character, it reveals to all those with whom
we associate that it is possible for God to be formed within, the hope
of glory. It shows that God loved the obedient ones as He loves Jesus
Christ; and nothing less than this satisfies His desires in our behalf.
As soon as the human agent becomes united with Christ in heart, soul,
and spirit, the Father loves that soul as a part of Christ, as a member of
the body of Christ, He himself being the glorious head.—
MSS., June
21, 1897