Seite 41 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Christ an Educator
will be proportionate to the attainments reached in the cultivation of
the faculties in this life.
Those who will empty their hearts of vanity and rubbish, through
the grace of God may purify the chambers of the mind, and make it a
storehouse of knowledge, purity, and truth. And it will be continually
reaching beyond the narrow boundaries of worldly thought, into the
vastness of the Infinite. The justice and mercy of God will be unfolded
to the moral perceptions. The grievous character of sin, with its results,
will be discerned. The character of God, His love manifested in giving
His Son to die for the world, and the beauty of holiness, are exalted
themes for contemplation. These will strengthen the intellect, and
bring man into close communion with the Infinite One.—
The Review
and Herald, June 21, 1877
For Additional Reading
Signs of the Times, February 7, 1878
Signs of the Times, February
14, 1878
Battle Creek College