Seite 42 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 3—An Appeal for Our Students
We have had many fears that students who attend Battle Creek
College will fail to receive all the benefit they might, in the way of
religious culture, from the families that furnish them rooms. Some
families do not enjoy the sweet influences of the religion of Christ,
although they are professed Christians. The influence which this
class of persons exert over the students is more objectionable than
that of those who make no pretensions to godliness. These irreligious,
irresponsible formalists may stand forth before the world in pretentious
leaves, while, like the barren fig-tree they are wholly destitute of that
which alone our Saviour values,—fruit to His glory. The work wrought
on the heart by the grace of God, they know nothing about. These
persons exert an influence which is detrimental to all with whom they
associate. There should be committees, to see that the homes provided
for the students are not with mere formalists, who have no burden for
the souls of the dear youth.
Very much may be done for those who are deprived of the softening,
subduing influences of the home circle. The spirit manifested by many
shows that the language of the heart is, “‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’
I have no burden or responsibility aside from my own family. I have
no special burden or interest for the students who occupy rooms in
my house.” I would ask these persons if they have burdens and feel
responsibilities for their own children. I am sorry to see so little anxiety
on the part of some parents that all the influences surrounding their
children should be favorable to the formation of Christian character;
but those who do have soul-burdens for their own loved ones should not
selfishly confine their interest to their own family. Jesus is our example
in all things; but He has given us no example of such selfishness as
we see manifested by many who profess to be His followers. If we
abide in Christ, and His love abides in us, we shall love those for
whom Christ died; for He has commanded His followers to love one
another as He has loved them. Do we who profess His name obey this
injunction? If we fail in this point we shall in others also. Had Christ