Seite 428 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
God’s people are His chosen instrumentalities for the enlargement
of His church in the earth. They are to seek the counsel of God.
Worldly amusements and entertainments are to have no place in the
life of the Christian. In following the way of the Lord is to be the
strength of His people. Their faith in the gift of God’s only-begotten
Son is to be manifest. This will make its impression on the mind of
the worldling. He who takes his position as separate from the world,
and strives to become one with Christ, will be successful in drawing
souls to God. The grace of Christ will be so apparent in his life that
the world will take knowledge of him that he has been with Jesus, and
has learned of Him.
“Go work today in my vineyard,” the Saviour commands.
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the
glory of God.” Let every one who claims to be a child of the heavenly
King seek constantly to represent the principles of the kingdom of
God. Let each remember that in spirit, in words, and in works, he is to
be loyal and true to all the precepts and commandments of the Lord.
We are to be faithful, trustworthy subjects of the kingdom of Christ,
that those who are worldly wise may have a true representation of the
riches, the goodness, the mercy, the tenderness, and the courtesy of the
citizens of the kingdom of God.—
The Review and Herald, October
24, 1907