Seite 429 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 68—A Message to Teachers
A message has been given me for the teachers in all our schools.
Those who accept the sacred responsibility resting upon teachers need
to be constantly advancing in their experience. They should not be
content to remain upon the lowlands, but should ever be climbing
heavenward. With the word of God in their hands, and the love of
souls pointing them to diligence, they should advance step by step in
A deep Christian experience will be combined with the work of
true education. Our schools are to advance steadily in Christian devel-
opment; and in order to do this, the words and example of the teacher
should be a constant help. “Ye also, as lively stones,” the apostle
declares, “are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer
up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” It would
be well for every teacher and student to study carefully these words,
asking himself the question, Am I, through the abundant grace given,
obtaining the very experience that as a child of God I must have in
order to advance constantly step by step to the higher grade?
In every line of instruction, teachers are to seek to impart light from
the word of God, and to show the importance of obedience to a “Thus
saith the Lord.” The education should be such that the students will
make right principles the guide of every action: This is the education
that will abide through the eternal ages.
I am given words of caution to the teachers in all our established
schools. The work of our schools must bear a different stamp from
that borne by some of our most popular schools. The mere study of
the ordinary textbook is not sufficient; and many of the books that are
used are unnecessary for those schools that are established to prepare
students for the school above. As a result, the students in these schools
are not receiving the most perfect Christian education. The very points
of study are neglected that are most needed to prepare the students to
stand the last great examination, and to fit them for missionary work in
home and foreign fields. The education that is needed now is one that