Seite 440 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
and where he shall go. We are not to put confidence in the counsel of
men and assent to all they shall say unless we have evidence that they
are under the influence of the Spirit of God.
Study the first and second chapters of Acts. Light has been given
me that our work must be carried forward in a higher and broader
way than it has ever yet been carried. The light of heaven is to be
appreciated and cherished. This light is for the laborers. It is for those
who feel that God has given them a message, and that they have a
sacred responsibility to bear in its proclamation.
The message of present truth is to prepare a people for the coming
of the Lord. Let us understand this, and let those placed in responsible
positions come into such unity that the work shall go forward solidly.
Do not allow any man to come in as an arbitrary ruler, and say, You
must go here, and you must not go there; and you must do this, and
you must not do that. We have a great and important work to do, and
God would have us take hold of that work intelligently. The placing of
men in positions of responsibility in the various conferences, does not
make them gods. No one has sufficient wisdom to act without counsel.
Men need to consult with their brethren, to counsel together, to pray
together, and to plan together for the advancement of the work. Let
laborers kneel down together and pray to God, asking Him to direct
their course. There has been a great lack with us on this point. We
have trusted too much to men’s devisings. We cannot afford to do this.
Perilous times are upon us, and we must come to the place where we
know that the Lord lives and rules, and that He dwells in the hearts of
the children of men. We must have confidence in God.
Wherever you may be sent, cherish in your hearts and minds the
fear and love of God. Go daily to the Lord for instruction and guidance;
depend upon God for light and knowledge. Pray for this instruction
and this light, until you get it. It will not avail for you to ask, and then
forget the thing for which you prayed. Keep your mind upon your
prayer. You can do this while working with your hands. You can say,
Lord, I believe; with all my heart I believe. Let the Holy Spirit’s power
come upon me.
If there were more praying among us, more exercise of a living
faith, and less dependence upon some one else to have an experience
for us, we would be far in advance of where we are today in spiritual
intelligence. What we need is a deep, individual heart and soul ex-