Seite 441 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Work Before Us
perience. Then we shall be able to tell what God is doing and how
He is working. We need to have a living experience in the things of
God; and we are not safe unless we have this. There are some who
have a good experience, and they tell you about it; but when you come
to weigh it up, you see that it is not a correct experience, for it is not
in accordance with a plain, Thus saith the Lord. If ever there was a
time in our history when we needed to humble our individual souls
before God, it is today. We need to come to God with faith in all that
is promised in the word, and then walk in all the light and power that
God gives.
I felt very deeply when our brethren who have come from foreign
fields told me a little of their experiences and of what the Lord is doing
in bringing souls to the truth. This is what we want at this time. God
does not want us to go on in ignorance. He wants us to understand our
individual responsibilities to Him. He will reveal Himself to every soul
who will come to Him in all humility and seek Him with the whole
There are schools to be established in foreign countries and in our
own country. We must learn from God how to manage these schools.
They are not to be conducted as many of them have been conducted.
Our institutions are to be regarded as God’s instrumentalities for the
furtherance of His work in the earth. We must look to God for guidance
and wisdom; we must plead with Him to teach us how to carry the
work solidly. Let us recognize the Lord as our teacher and guide, and
then we shall carry the work in correct lines. We need to stand as
a united company who shall see eye to eye. Then we shall see the
salvation of God revealed on the right hand and on the left. If we work
in harmony, we give God a chance to work for us.
In all our school work we need to have a correct understanding of
what the essential education is. Men talk much of higher education, but
who can define what the higher education is? The highest education
is found in the word of the living God. That education which teaches
us to submit our souls to God in all humility, and which enables us to
take the word of God and believe just what it says, is the education
that is most needed. With this education we shall see of the salvation
of God. With the Spirit of God upon us, we are to carry the light of
truth into the highways and the byways, that the salvation of God may
be revealed in a remarkable manner.