Seite 285 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Words of Caution
Over and over the message has been given to me, that we are not
to say one word, not to publish one sentence, especially by way of
personalities,—unless positively essential in vindicating the truth,—
that will stir up our enemies against us, and arouse their passions to
a white heat. Our work will soon be closed up; and soon the time of
trouble, such as never was, will come upon us, of which we have but
little idea.
The Lord wants His workers to represent Him, the great missionary
worker. The manifestation of rashness always does harm. The proper-
ties essential for Christian life must be learned daily in the school of
Christ. He who is careless and heedless in uttering words or in writing
words for publication to be sent broadcast into the world, sending forth
expressions that can never be taken back, is disqualifying himself to be
entrusted with the sacred work that devolves upon Christ’s followers
at this time. Those who practice giving harsh thrusts, are forming
habits that will strengthen by repetition, and will have to be repented
of. We should carefully examine our ways and our spirit, and see in
what manner we are doing the work given us of God, a work which
involves the destiny of souls. The very highest obligation is resting
upon us.
Satan is standing ready, burning with zeal to inspire the whole
confederacy of satanic agencies, that he may cause them to unite with
evil men, and bring upon the believers of truth speedy and severe
suffering. Every unwise word that is uttered by our brethren will
be treasured up by the prince of darkness. How dare finite human
intelligences speak careless and venturesome words that will stir up the
powers of hell against the saints of God, when Michael the archangel
durst not bring against Satan a railing accusation, but said, “The Lord
rebuke thee”?
It will be impossible for us to avoid difficulties and suffering. Jesus
said, “It must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by
whom the offense cometh.” [
Matthew 18:7
.] But because offenses will
come, we should be careful not to stir up the natural temperament of
those who love not the truth, by unwise words, and by the manifestation
of an unkind spirit.
Precious truth must be presented in its native force. The deceptive
errors that are wide-spread, and that are leading the world captive,
are to be unveiled. Every effort possible is being made to ensnare