Seite 286 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
souls with subtle reasonings, to turn them from the truth to fables, and
to prepare them to be deceived by strong delusions. But while these
deceived souls turn from the truth to error, do not speak to them one
word of censure. Seek to show them their danger, and to reveal to them
how grievous is their course of action toward Jesus Christ; but let it be
done in pitying tenderness. By a proper manner of labor some of the
souls who are ensnared by Satan may be recovered from his power.
But do not blame and condemn them. To ridicule the position held by
those who are in error, will not open their blind eyes, nor attract them
to the truth.
When men lose sight of Christ’s example, and do not pattern after
His manner of teaching, they become self-sufficient, and go forth to
meet Satan with his own manner of weapons. The enemy knows well
how to turn his weapons upon those who use them. Jesus spoke only
words of pure truth and righteousness.
If ever a people needed to walk in humility before God, it is His
church, His chosen ones in this generation. We all need to bewail
the dulness of our intellectual faculties, the lack of appreciation of
our privileges and opportunities. We have nothing whereof to boast.
We grieve the Lord Jesus Christ by our harshness, by our unchristlike
thrusts. We need to become complete in Him.
It is true that we are commanded to “cry aloud, spare not, lift up
thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and
the house of Jacob their sins.” [
Isaiah 58:1
.] This message must be
given; but we should be careful not to thrust and crowd and condemn
those who have not the light that we have. We should not go out of our
way to make hard thrusts at Catholics. Among the Catholics there are
many who are most conscientious Christians, and who walk in all the
light that shines upon them; and God will work in their behalf. Those
who have had great privileges and opportunities, but who have failed
to improve their physical, mental, and moral powers, and have lived to
please themselves, refusing to bear their responsibility, are in greater
danger and in greater condemnation before God, than those who are in
error upon doctrinal points, yet who seek to live to do good to others.
Do not censure others; do not condemn them. If we allow selfish
considerations, false reasoning, and false excuses to bring us into a
perverse state of mind and heart, so that we do not know the ways
and will of God, we shall be far more guilty than the open sinner.