Seekers for Truth, November 11
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth,
to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect
toward him.
2 Chronicles 16:9
In every place, in regions afar as well as nearer home, there are God-
fearing men and women searching for truth. They know that there is
a God; they offer their prayers to Him; they trust Him; they act just as
Christians act. From the story of Cornelius [
Acts 10
] we learn that God
will lead every one who is willing to be led. He led Cornelius. He drew
out His servant’s heart in prayer. He prepared him to receive the light of
His truth, and He chose to enlighten the mind of Cornelius through the
agency of one who had already received light from above.... The Lord
noticed every act of Cornelius. All heaven observed the giving of alms
and the praying of this devout centurion....
Thus it is today. The Lord has His eye upon every soul that is seeking
Him. He is interested in every soul needing help, and He will not leave
one in the darkness of error, but step by step will lead him into the full
light of the truth that is shining from every page of the Scriptures.... The
Lord sees our every act. He knows just what progress we have made in the
Christian pathway. How kind, how tender, our Great Shepherd is! With
intense interest He looks down from His exalted throne upon the sheep of
His pasture, and gives them grace and strength....
Constantly the heavenly agencies are communicating with men and
women on the earth. We cannot see personally the angels of God round
about us; nevertheless they are with us, guiding and directing. We are
to be so fully under the influence of the Spirit of God that we shall be
susceptible to His leadings.
Whenever we are impressed to say or do something to help a fellow
being, we should be ready to respond at once to the promptings of the
Holy Spirit. We can be ready to do this only when we are living in close
relation with God. The giving of alms, the earnest prayers offered, are but
indications that we are doing the works of a Christian, and that we are
submitting our minds to the molding influence of God’s Spirit.