A Work for Everyone, November 12
How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be
gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into
the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
Matthew 18:12
The parables of the Lost Piece of Silver and the Lost Sheep teach
most precious lessons. They deal with the subject of man lost and man
recovered. Many, many more would be recovered if they were labored for
as represented in these parables....
Church members, ask God to give you a burden to open the Scriptures
to others and to do missionary work for those who need help. Some will
be rescued in one way and some in another, but the work must always be
done as the Lord shall lead.... Let the publications containing Bible truth
be scattered like the leaves of autumn. Lift Him up, the Saviour of souls,
lift Him up higher and still higher....
Catch the spirit of the great Master Worker. Learn from the Friend
of sinners how to minister to sin-sick souls. Remember that in the lives
of His followers must be seen the same devotion, the same subjection to
God’s work of every social claim, every earthly affection, that was seen in
His life. God’s claims must always be made paramount. Christ’s example
is to inspire us to put forth unceasing effort for the good of others.
You have neighbors. Will you give them the message? You may never
have had the hands of ordination laid upon you, but you can humbly carry
the message. You can testify that ... all for whom Christ died shall have
everlasting life if they believe on Him.
Let no one remain in idleness because he cannot do the same class of
work that the most experienced servants of God are doing.... It is not alone
by men in high places of responsibility in the ministry, not alone by men
holding positions on boards or committees, not alone by the managers of
our sanitariums and publishing houses, that the work is to be done which
will cause the earth to be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the
waters cover the sea. This work can be accomplished only by the whole
church acting their part under guidance and in the power of God.