Seite 14 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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10 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
such a manner that their former prejudice did not arise to blind their
eyes and pervert their judgment.
Brethren, you who go forth to labor for those who are bound in
chains of prejudice and ignorance, need to exercise the same divine
wisdom that Paul manifested. When you are laboring in a place where
souls are just beginning to get the scales from their eyes, and to see
men as trees walking, be very careful not to present the truth in such
a way as to arouse prejudice, and to close the door of the heart to the
truth. Agree with the people on every point where you can consistently
do so. Let them see that you love their souls, and want to be in harmony
with them so far as possible. If the love of Christ is revealed in all your
efforts, you will be able to sow the seed of truth in some hearts; God
will water the seed sown, and the truth will spring up and bear fruit to
his glory.
Oh that I could impress upon all the necessity of laboring in the
spirit of Jesus; for I have been shown that souls here in Europe have
been turned away from the truth because of a lack of tact and skill in
presenting it. In kindness and love seek to instruct those who oppose
you. Preach the truth with the meekness of simplicity, remembering
that it is not your words but the word of God which is to cut its way to
the heart. There is danger, even in laboring among our churches, of
leaving the great principles of truth and dwelling too much upon small,
unimportant matters that create a fault-finding spirit among brethren.
There are always those in the church and out who have not the love
of Jesus in their souls, and who have, in the place of true religion, a
criticising, exacting spirit, a desire to find something to condemn in
their brethren and sisters. Such ones grasp eagerly at this kind of labor;
but they do more harm than good, and should not be encouraged.
The third angel’s message is infallible. Upon the grand, ennobling
truths connected with that message you can dwell with perfect safety.
Labor intelligently to encourage union of faith and union of judgment,
that all may be united in the bonds of Christian fellowship and love;
but do not belittle the work of God with ideas and notions of your own.
Let not your ears listen to gossip from any one. If all would refuse
to hear evil of their neighbor, the tale-bearer would soon seek other
Do not encourage a class who center their religion in dress. Let
each one study the plain teachings of the Scriptures as to simplicity