Seite 15 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Manner of Presenting the Truth
and plainness of dress and by faithful obedience to those teachings
strive to set a worthy example to the world and to those new in the faith.
God does not want any one person to be conscience for another. Talk
of the love and humility of Jesus; but do not encourage the brethren
and sisters to engage in picking flaws in the dress or appearance of
one another. Some take delight in this work; and when their minds
are turned in this direction, they begin to feel that they must become
church tinkers. They climb upon the judgment seat, and as soon as
they see one of their brethren or sisters, they look to find something to
criticise. This is one of the most effectual means of becoming narrow-
minded, and of dwarfing spiritual growth. God would have them step
down from the judgment seat, for he has never placed them there. I
speak thus plainly because I know your danger in this country. Already
souls have become discouraged and given up the truth because of this
spirit manifested toward them.
When the subject of dress is dwelt upon explicitly, there are some
who feel all the burden over it that they ought to feel for a soul balanc-
ing between life and death. I once attended a meeting where this spirit
existed. There was the most solemn interest that I ever saw. Seventy-
five were baptized before the meeting closed. After speaking to the
crowd in public, I labored for the youth privately, talking and praying
with them as they came to my tent. Many were greatly blessed; but
there was a company on the ground who had no burden. I could hear
their idle conversation, their trifling laugh, while agonizing prayer was
being offered for the unconverted. In the height of the interest, one
of this number came to me and said that some were in trial because
Sister White wore gold. Some time before, I had received a present
of a little open-faced, gold watch. It was very ancient in appearance,
and certainly never would have been worn for its beauty. I carried it
because it was a good timekeeper. But in order to avoid all occasion
for any to stumble, I sold the watch, and I would recommend that
others follow a similar course. This is in harmony with the teaching
of the apostle Paul, who says: “Wherefore, if meat make my brother
to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my
brother to offend.”
All the religion many have is to pick flaws. I once knew a lady
whose religion was of just this character, and in her family she was so
overbearing that they could hardly live with her. A tent-meeting was