Seite 16 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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12 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
held near the place where she lived, but instead of taking hold to help
those who were laboring very hard in the meetings, or to receive help
herself, this woman stood back to criticise. On returning to the house
one day, I found her searching my trunk to see if there was not some
article of clothing in it that she could condemn. We shall ever have just
such people to deal with in this world. But if we do not enter too much
into particulars, they will have no excuse for indulging their natural
disposition. It is a marvel to me what patience the Lord has with such
crooked material. But he has ordained that by the clear presentation of
truth all can be brought into love and harmony.
There are few of my brethren and sisters who maintain plainness
of dress as I do. My writings are pointed on this subject; but I do
not carry it in the front. It is not to be made of greater importance
than the solemn, testing truths for this time. There is in the very
composition of some a criticising spirit, and this they cultivate as a
precious acquisition.
We must present the principles of truth, and let them work upon
the hearts of the people. We may pick the leaves from a tree as often
as we please, but this will not cause the tree to die; the next season the
leaves will come out again as thick as before. But strike the ax at the
root of the tree, and not only will the leaves fall off of themselves, but
the tree will die. Those who accept the truth, in the love of it, will die
to the world, and will become meek and lowly in heart like their divine
Lord. Just as soon as the heart is right, the dress, the conversation, the
life, will be in harmony with the word of God.
We all need to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.
May he help us to plant our feet firmly upon the platform of eternal
truth. Give God a chance to impress hearts, brethren, and you will find
that a wholesome impression will be left upon the minds both of church
members and of outsiders. May God help you to exercise reason in
the work of saving souls. Let the people hear through you the voice of
God, not the voice of man. Let God’s mould be placed upon the work,
and not the mould of man. Take to yourselves the exhortation of the
apostle Paul to Timothy, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of
season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.”
Thursday morning, September 17.