Seite 30 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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26 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
promises by living faith, trusting entirely in Jesus, the blessing will
come in due time. It may not come in the way we expect; but it will
come in the way that God directs, and by the means that he chooses to
employ. Satan may tempt you to think that the Lord has forgotten you;
but tell him that the word of the Lord standeth sure, having this seal,
“The Lord knoweth them that are his;” and keep on praying.
Again: Satan may try to tempt you by saying that God will not
have pity upon you and hear your prayers, because you are such a
sinner. Do not listen to his story; but throw right into his face the
words of our Saviour, “I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance.” If we were not sinners, we would have no need of a
Saviour. We are sick with sin from the crown of our head to the sole
of our feet, and this is why we need a Physician. While we are not to
approach the throne of God in self-righteousness and self-sufficiency,
thinking that we have any goodness to recommend us to him; while we
are not to forget our weakness and sinfulness, it is at the same time our
duty to believe that Jesus will impart to us of his healing, strengthening
power. Our faith must grasp the eternal. We must move from principle,
looking not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are
It is difficult to exercise living faith when we are in darkness and
discouragement. But this of all others is the very time when we should
exercise faith. “But,” says one, “I do not feel at such times like praying
in faith.” Well, then, will you allow Satan to gain the victory, simply
because you do not feel like resisting him? When he sees that you have
the greatest need of divine aid, he will try the hardest to beat you back
from God. If he can keep you away from the Source of strength, he
knows that you will walk in darkness and sin. There is no sin greater
than unbelief. And when there is unbelief in the heart, there is danger
that it will be expressed. The lips should be kept in as with bit and
bridle, lest by giving expression to this unbelief you not only exert an
injurious influence over others, but place yourselves upon the enemy’s
If we believe in God, we are armed with the righteousness of
Christ; we have taken hold of his strength. The promise is, “Let him
take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me, and he
shall make peace with me.” We want to talk with our Saviour as though
he were right by our side. We should have our minds stayed upon