Seite 31 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Christian’s Strength
him. We should hold communion with him while we walk by the way,
and while our hands are engaged in labor. If you will do this, you
will not dishonor your Redeemer by talking to every one about your
darkness and unworthiness. Go, tell it to Jesus; and he will lift up for
you a standard against the enemy, and will cause the light of joy and
gladness to come into your hearts.
It is our privilege to carry with us the credentials of our faith,—
love, joy, and peace. When we do this, we shall be able to present the
mighty arguments of the cross of Christ. When we learn to walk by
faith and not by feeling, we shall have help from God just when we
need it, and his peace will come into our hearts. It was this simple
life of obedience and trust that Enoch lived. If we learn this lesson
of simple trust, ours may be the testimony that he received, that he
pleased God. Then instead of mourning and bitter repining, we shall
make melody in our hearts to the Lord. “In the world,” says Christ,
“ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the
Tuesday morning, September 22.