Seite 34 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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30 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
own strength, we shall be disappointed. It may seem at times that
when we pray the most and try the hardest to do right, we have the
greatest temptations. This is because Satan is perfectly satisfied with
our condition when we are clothed with self-righteousness and do not
realize our need of divine aid; but when we see our great need of help,
and begin to draw near to God, he knows that God will draw near to
us; therefore he places every possible obstruction in the way so that we
shall not come into close connection with the Source of our strength.
The exhortation of the apostle is, “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners;
and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” It is by engaging in this
work, and by exercising living faith in God, that we are to perfect
Christian character. The work of cleansing the soul-temple and prepar-
ing for Christ’s appearing must be done while we are in this world of
temptation. Just as Christ finds us in character when he comes, so we
shall remain.
We should make daily advancement in the work of character-
building. When we try to separate from us our sinful habits, it may at
times seem that we are tearing ourselves all to pieces; but this is the
very work that we must do if we would grow up unto the full stature
of men and women in Christ Jesus, if we would become fit temples
for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is not the will of God that we
should remain in feebleness and darkness. He would have us put on
the whole armor, and fight valiantly the battle against sin and self. And
after we have truly repented of our sins, and done all that we can to
overcome them, he would have us manifest a calm, unyielding trust in
the merits of a crucified and risen Saviour.
If we make an entire surrender to him, leave our life of sin and
passion and pride, and cling to Christ and his merits, he will fulfill to
us that he has promised. He says that he will give liberally to all who
ask him. Cannot we believe it? I have tested him on this point, and
know that he is faithful to fulfill all his promises.
Let not him that wavereth think that he shall receive anything of
the Lord. When persons begin to draw nigh to God, Satan is always
ready to press in his darkness. As they look back over their past life,
he causes every defect to be so exaggerated in their minds that they
become discouraged, and begin to doubt the power and willingness of
Jesus to save. Their faith wavers, and they say, “I do not believe that
Jesus will forgive my sins.” Let not such expect to receive anything