Seite 35 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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How to Meet Temptations
from the Lord. If they would only exercise true repentance toward
God, at the same time possessing a firm faith in Christ, he would cover
their sins and pardon their transgressions. But, instead of this, they too
often allow themselves to be controlled by impulse and feeling.
When Satan tells you that your sins are such that you need not
expect any great victories in God, tell him the Bible teaches that those
who love most are those who have been forgiven most. Do not try to
lessen your guilt by excusing sin. You cannot come near to God by
faith unless you realize your sinfulness. Then you can place yourselves
right on the promises, and with unwavering faith can claim a share
in the infinite sacrifice that has been made for the human race. Cling
closely to Jesus, and his great heart of love will draw you unto himself.
I cannot bear the thought that any should go away from this meeting
without having their faith greatly strengthened. There are those here
who will develop into good and useful workers. But every advance step
they take must be a step of faith. If they have a religious experience
that is rich in faith, one can chase a thousand, and two can put ten
thousand to flight. But all the talents that they may possess, all the
skill and eloquence that they may acquire, will effect nothing unless
they are consecrated to God.
I am so anxious that those who labor in the cause shall have all the
strength, and peace, and joy that Christ has for them. I want them to
have the consolation of the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul desired that
his brethren should be comforted with “the consolation where-with he
was comforted.” The Christian finds constant comfort and strength in
Jesus. And when he complains of weakness and darkness, he gives
good evidence that he has not a close connection with Jesus.
Brethren, let us have an eye single to the glory of God. Let us not
allow anything to interpose between us and him. “If we follow on to
know the Lord,” we shall know that “his going forth is prepared as
the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and
former rain unto the earth.” If we are partakers of the divine nature,
we shall reflect in life and character the image of our divine Lord. We
cannot be indolent in seeking this perfection of character. We cannot
yield passively to our surroundings, and think that others will do the
work for us, “Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself,
even as He is pure.” We must be workers together with God. Life must
become to us a humble, earnest working out of salvation with fear