Seite 61 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Address to the Missionary Workers
this work there is the greatest necessity of hiding self behind Jesus.
The nearer one comes to Jesus, the less will he esteem himself, and the
more earnest will he be to work for others in the spirit of the Master.
There is much work to be done right here in Switzerland. Take heed
first to yourselves, dear fellow-laborers, and afterward to the doctrine.
As surely as you allow your natural temperaments and dispositions
to control you, just so surely will they appear in your labors, to mar
the work of God. If you should bring souls into the truth, they would
imitate your defects of character. Let the reformation begin with
yourselves; let the converting power of God first be felt upon your own
hearts, and then you will be better able to lead others to Christ.
Whether you labor in public or private, you must expect to meet
difficulties. Jesus found it difficult to reach the crowd; and when he
labored personally, many turned from him because of the perversity
of the human heart. When the rich young man, spoken of in our text,
came to Christ to know what he should do to be saved, he turned away
sorrowfully when told to go and sell all that he had, and he should
have treasure in heaven. He had great possessions. Property was his
idol; and he was sorrowful because he could not retain his idol and
have heaven too.
Jesus demands of those who would be his followers an entire
surrender of all that they have, all that there is of them. In this he does
not ask more than he has given. Did he not leave all his riches, his
glory, his honor, in order to save men? Did he not strip himself of
his robes of royalty, and humiliate himself to take man’s nature, that
through his poverty and humiliation we might be made rich? Should
we then be unwilling to give all that we have and are to him, and to
suffer, if need be, humiliation and reproach for his sake? God forbid.
It is impossible to describe the feelings I have for this people. Oh
that every one present would kindle his taper from the divine altar!
If Christ has given you light, let it shine to others. “Thou shalt love
the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all
thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” Will
you not begin from this time to work upon the Bible plan, and live to
do your neighbor good, to be a blessing to those around you? Do not
make one crooked path for your feet, lest the lame be turned out of the