Seite 62 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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58 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
If we walk in the light, our wisdom will increase day by day. We
should know more of the truth tomorrow than we know today. We
cannot afford to be dwarfs in Bible knowledge, or in the religious life;
but we should grow up unto the full stature of men and women in
Christ Jesus. Heaven is full of light and strength, and we can draw
from it if we will. God is waiting to pour his blessing upon us as soon
as we draw nigh to him and by living faith grasp his promises. He says
that he is more willing to give his Holy Spirit to those that ask him
than earthly parents are to give good gifts unto their children. Shall
we take him at his word?
Here are the great cities in England and on the continent with
their millions of inhabitants that have not yet heard the last warning
message. How are these to be warned? If the people of God would only
exercise faith, he would work in a wonderful manner to accomplish
this work. Hear the words of Christ: “If two of you shall agree on earth
as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my
Father which is in heaven.” Precious promise! Do we believe it? What
marvelous results would appear if the united prayers of this company
were to ascend to God in living faith! Jesus stands ready to take these
petitions and present them to his Father, saying, “I know these persons
by name. Send answers to their prayers; for I have graven their names
on the palms of my hands.”
There are young men here who might become successful mis-
sionary workers, and to whom Christ says, “Go work today in my
vineyard.” Do not, young friends, rob God by withholding from him
your time or your talents. Do not be satisfied with reaching a low stan-
dard. There are heights of knowledge to which you may attain. The
adversary of souls will work through his agents to turn you from the
path of right. He will present before you many and great temptations;
but at such times remember Joseph. When tempted, he said, “How can
I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” For his steadfastness
to principle he was unjustly cast into prison. By this he was humbled,
but not degraded; and, continuing to live in the fear of God, he forgot
his troubles in ministering to the wants of his suffering companions.
There was Daniel, who stood before King Nebuchadnezzar, and
who, when about to receive what was considered a favor, purposed in
his heart that he would not accept it. He had an intelligent knowledge
of the effect that the king’s meat and wine would produce upon the