Seite 63 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Address to the Missionary Workers
human system; and he determined to adhere to the teachings of God
forbidding their use by the Israelites, rather than receive the appro-
bation of the king. The result was that God gave him great wisdom
and understanding in all mysteries, so that at the end of the years of
trial, when examined, he stood higher than any of the wise men in the
Again, when wicked men, inspired by envy and hatred, sought to
remove him from the favor of King Darius, they could find no occa-
sion against him except “concerning the law of his God.” Therefore
they laid a snare for him by prevailing upon the king to decree that
whosoever asked a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of
the king, should be cast into the den of lions. But the firm adherence to
principle which Daniel had cultivated from a youth does not fail him
now. Notwithstanding the decree of the king, he goes to his chamber
three times a day, as is his custom, and with his windows open toward
Jerusalem, prays to the God of heaven. Because of his faithfulness to
God, he is cast into the den of lions, according to the king’s decree; but
does God forsake him? No, indeed. Holy angels are sent to minister
unto him, and to close the lions’ mouths that they shall do him no
Remember, brethren, in every perplexity, that God has angels still.
You may meet opposition; yea, even persecution. But, if steadfast to
principle, you will find, as did Daniel, a present helper and deliverer
in the God whom you serve. Now is the time to cultivate integrity of
character. The Bible is full of rich gems of promise to those who love
and fear God.
To all who are engaged in the missionary work I would say, Hide in
Jesus. Let not self but Christ appear in all your labors. When the work
goes hard, and you become discouraged and are tempted to abandon
it, take your Bible, bow upon your knees before God, and say, “Here,
Lord, thy word is pledged.” Throw your weight upon his promises,
and every one of them will be fulfilled.
There is a much greater work to be done in this country than has
yet been accomplished. I am thankful to see so large a number present
at this meeting. But shall not your numbers be more than doubled
during the coming year? Let each answer for himself what he will do.
All heaven is interested in the salvation of man. It is for you to say
whether you will be co-laborers with Christ or not; whether you will,