Heathen Plots
caused the wrongdoers to remove the reproach that rested on them.
But the authority that he had exercised in behalf of his downtrodden
countrymen he did not now exercise in his own behalf. His efforts had
been met by some with ingratitude and treachery, but he did not use
his power to bring the traitors to punishment. Calmly and unselfishly
he went forward in his service for the people, never slackening his
efforts or allowing his interest to grow less.
Satan’s assaults have ever been directed against those who have
sought to advance the work and cause of God. Though often baffled,
he as often renews his attacks with fresh vigor, using means hitherto
untried. But it is his secret working through those who avow them-
selves the friends of God’s work, that is most to be feared. Open
opposition may be fierce and cruel, but it is fraught with far less peril
to God’s cause than is the secret enmity of those who, while professing
to serve God, are at heart the servants of Satan. These have it in their
power to place every advantage in the hands of those who will use
their knowledge to hinder the work of God and injure His servants.
Every device that the prince of darkness can suggest will be em-
ployed to induce God’s servants to form a confederacy with the agents
of Satan. Repeated solicitations will come to call them from duty;
but, like Nehemiah, they should steadfastly reply, “I am doing a great
work, so that I cannot come down.” God’s workers may safely keep on
with their work, letting their efforts refute the falsehoods that malice
may coin for their injury. Like the builders on the walls of Jerusalem
they must refuse to be diverted from their work by threats or mockery
or falsehood. Not for one moment are they to relax their watchfulness
or vigilance, for enemies are continually on their track. Ever they must
make their prayer to God “and set a watch against them day and night.”
Nehemiah 4:9
As the time of the end draws near, Satan’s temptations will be
brought to bear with greater power upon God’s workers. He will
employ human agents to mock and revile those who “build the wall.”
But should the builders come down to meet the attacks of their foes,
this would but retard the work. They should endeavor to defeat the
purposes of their adversaries, but they should not allow anything to
call them from their work. Truth is stronger than error, and right will
prevail over wrong.