Prophets and Kings
Neither should they allow their enemies to gain their friendship
and sympathy, and thus lure them from their post of duty. He who by
any unguarded act exposes the cause of God to reproach, or weakens
the hands of his fellow workers, brings upon his own character a stain
not easily removed, and places a serious obstacle in the way of his
future usefulness.
“They that forsake the law praise the wicked.”
Proverbs 28:4
When those who are uniting with the world, yet claiming great purity,
plead for union with those who have ever been the opposers of the
cause of truth, we should fear and shun them as decidedly as did
Nehemiah. Such counsel is prompted by the enemy of all good. It is
the speech of timeservers, and should be resisted as resolutely today
as then. Whatever influence would tend to unsettle the faith of God’s
people in His guiding power, should be steadfastly withstood.
In Nehemiah’s firm devotion to the work of God, and his equally
firm reliance on God, lay the reason of the failure of his enemies to
draw him into their power. The soul that is indolent falls an easy prey
to temptation; but in the life that has a noble aim, an absorbing purpose,
evil finds little foothold. The faith of him who is constantly advancing
does not weaken; for above, beneath, beyond, he recognizes Infinite
Love, working out all things to accomplish His good purpose. God’s
true servants work with a determination that will not fail because the
throne of grace is their constant dependence.
God has provided divine assistance for all the emergencies to which
our human resources are unequal. He gives the Holy Spirit to help
in every strait, to strengthen our hope and assurance, to illuminate
our minds and purify our hearts. He provides opportunities and opens
channels of working. If His people are watching the indications of
His providence, and are ready to co-operate with Him, they will see
mighty results.