Not Kingly, but Christlike Leadership
saving souls for whom Christ has died. Every soul must come to the
trial of all the Christian graces. The heart must be warmed with the
glowing fire of God’s goodness. When the Lord moves upon the earth
by His Holy Spirit, there will be a submitting to the discipline and
influence of the Holy Spirit. Painstaking effort, which is requisite to
the attainment of true virtue and wisdom, and is indispensable to him
who will be chosen to become a coworker with Jesus Christ, will be
Letter 42, 1893
Oppression and Domination Rebuked—For years a spirit of op-
pression has been coming into Battle Creek. The human agents are
lifting up themselves unto selfishness and domination. Not a work can
be published but they try to gain control of it, and if authors do not
concede to their propositions, those who publish the work will exert
an influence with canvassers and other agents that will hinder its sale,
and this wholly irrespective of the value of the book. And when every
institution is merged into the one that is greatest—that is, measured by
her power of control—that one will indeed be a ruling power, and if the
principles of action in the most powerful institution are corrupted, as
is now the case, and as has been in the history of the past, every other
institution must follow the same path, else a determined influence will
be brought to bear against it. The difficulty is not in the institution, but
in the members.
This disposition to press men into hard places if you cannot bring
them to your ideas is not according to God’s order. Those who do
this when it suits them are bringing souls into unbelief and temptation,
and driving them on Satan’s battlefield. They forget that God will
deal with them as they deal with their fellow men. God’s cause is not
to be molded by one man, or half a dozen men. All His responsible
stewards are to bear a share in the devising, as well as in the execution,
of the plans. Men must not forget that the God of heaven is a God of
justice; with Him is no partiality, no hypocrisy. He will not serve with
men’s selfishness, nor sanction their plans to rob one soul of his rights
because they can press him inconsiderately, and make statements and
plans that compel surrender, or leave him helpless....
By no sharp dealing or underhand advantage is the Lord to be
glorified or His truth served. Money acquired in this way to supply
the treasury will benefit no one, for God will not serve with the sins of
oppression and selfishness.