Seite 118 - The Publishing Ministry (1983)

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The Publishing Ministry
It should be written on the conscience, as with a pen of iron upon a
rock, that no man can achieve true success while violating the eternal
principles of right.—
Letter 4, 1895
. (
Selections from the Testimonies
Setting forth Important Principles Relating to Our Work in General,
God Works to Humble Human Pride—There is no position so
lofty that God cannot cut down those occupying it. There is no humili-
ation so great that God cannot raise up humble men to enjoy the richest
blessings. The Lord works to humble human pride in whomever it is
found, that men may learn to develop a spirit of true submission to His
will. He cannot work with men who counteract His purposes. Those
who use their perceptive powers to create an order of things which
turns aside God’s purposes will lose the powers, which if exercised
aright would have increased and strengthened. God honors those who
seek Him in sincerity, humbling self and exalting Him. But when
men will not consent to walk in the counsel of God, their wisdom is
removed from them. They become incapable of knowing God and
Jesus Christ whom He hath sent.—
Letter 35, 1900
When Pharisaism Sprang Up—For years a degree of Pharisaism
has been springing up amongst us which has separated some from the
Bible standard. If the preconceived ideas of those actuated by this
spirit are crossed, they immediately assume a controversial, combative
attitude, as a man puts on armor when preparing for battle. Much pride
and loftiness and a spirit which desires to rule have been manifested,
but very little of the spirit which leads men to sit at the feet of Jesus
and learn of Him has been shown. Human inventions and human plans
are eclipsing sacred things and excluding divine instruction. Men are
taking the place of God by seeking to assume authority over their
fellow men. But they rule without a vestige of the authority of God,
which alone can make their ruling a healthful element; and others
are becoming leavened by this wrong influence. If the principles of
truth had been enthroned in the hearts of these men, human passions
and human affections would have been guided and controlled by the
spirit of Christ. The atmosphere surrounding the soul would not be
deleterious and poisonous, for self would be hid in Jesus.—
Letter 81,
Overseers to Avoid Severity—Less long, sweeping journeys
across the continent, and more close investigation of the true inward