Seite 190 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Patriarchs and Prophets
thought, is as distinctly marked as though there were only one person
in the whole world, and the attention of heaven were centered upon
Joseph suffered for his integrity, for his tempter revenged herself by
accusing him of a foul crime, and causing him to be thrust into prison.
Had Potiphar believed his wife’s charge against Joseph, the young
Hebrew would have lost his life; but the modesty and uprightness that
had uniformly characterized his conduct were proof of his innocence;
and yet, to save the reputation of his master’s house, he was abandoned
to disgrace and bondage.
At the first Joseph was treated with great severity by his jailers.
The psalmist says, “His feet they hurt with fetters; he was laid in chains
of iron: until the time that his word came to pass; the word of the Lord
tried him.”
Psalm 105:18, 19
, R.V. But Joseph’s real character shines
out, even in the darkness of the dungeon. He held fast his faith and
patience; his years of faithful service had been most cruelly repaid,
yet this did not render him morose or distrustful. He had the peace
that comes from conscious innocence, and he trusted his case with
God. He did not brood upon his own wrongs, but forgot his sorrow in
trying to lighten the sorrows of others. He found a work to do, even
in the prison. God was preparing him in the school of affliction for
greater usefulness, and he did not refuse the needful discipline. In
the prison, witnessing the results of oppression and tyranny and the
effects of crime, he learned lessons of justice, sympathy, and mercy,
that prepared him to exercise power with wisdom and compassion.
Joseph gradually gained the confidence of the keeper of the prison,
and was finally entrusted with the charge of all the prisoners. It was
the part he acted in the prison—the integrity of his daily life and his
sympathy for those who were in trouble and distress—that opened the
way for his future prosperity and honor. Every ray of light that we shed
upon others is reflected upon ourselves. Every kind and sympathizing
word spoken to the sorrowful, every act to relieve the oppressed, and
every gift to the needy, if prompted by a right motive, will result in
blessings to the giver.
The chief baker and chief butler of the king had been cast into
prison for some offense, and they came under Joseph’s charge. One
morning, observing that they appeared very sad, he kindly inquired the
cause and was told that each had had a remarkable dream, of which they