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Joseph in Egypt
were anxious to learn the significance. “Do not interpretations belong
to God?” said Joseph, “tell me them, I pray you.” As each related
his dream, Joseph made known its import: In three days the butler
was to be reinstated in his position, and give the cup into Pharaoh’s
hand as before, but the chief baker would be put to death by the king’s
command. In both cases the event occurred as foretold.
The king’s cupbearer had professed the deepest gratitude to Joseph,
both for the cheering interpretation of his dream and for many acts of
kind attention; and in return the latter, referring in a most touching
manner to his own unjust captivity, entreated that his case be brought
before the king. “Think on me,” he said, “when it shall be well with
thee, and show kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of
me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house: for indeed I was
stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done
nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.” The chief butler
saw the dream fulfilled in every particular; but when restored to royal
favor, he thought no more of his benefactor. For two years longer
Joseph remained a prisoner. The hope that had been kindled in his
heart gradually died out, and to all other trials was added the bitter
sting of ingratitude.
But a divine hand was about to open the prison gates. The king
of Egypt had in one night two dreams, apparently pointing to the
same event and seeming to foreshadow some great calamity. He
could not determine their significance, yet they continued to trouble
his mind. The magicians and wise men of his realm could give no
interpretation. The king’s perplexity and distress increased, and terror
spread throughout his palace. The general agitation recalled to the
chief butler’s mind the circumstances of his own dream; with it came
the memory of Joseph, and a pang of remorse for his forgetfulness and
ingratitude. He at once informed the king how his own dream and that
of the chief baker had been interpreted by a Hebrew captive, and how
the predictions had been fulfilled.
It was humiliating to Pharaoh to turn away from the magicians and
wise men of his kingdom to consult an alien and a slave, but he was
ready to accept the lowliest service if his troubled mind might find
relief. Joseph was immediately sent for; he put off his prison attire,
and shaved himself, for his hair had grown long during the period of