Seite 593 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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David a Fugitive
fearless of the king’s displeasure, welcomed the fugitive. The home of
Samuel was a peaceful place in contrast with the royal palace. It was
here, amid the hills, that the honored servant of the Lord continued his
work. A company of seers was with him, and they studied closely the
will of God and listened reverently to the words of instruction that fell
from the lips of Samuel. Precious were the lessons that David learned
from the teacher of Israel. David believed that the troops of Saul would
not be ordered to invade this sacred place, but no place seemed to be
sacred to the darkened mind of the desperate king. David’s connection
with Samuel aroused the jealousy of the king, lest he who was revered
as a prophet of God throughout all Israel should lend his influence to
the advancement of Saul’s rival. When the king learned where David
was, he sent officers to bring him to Gibeah, where he intended to
carry out his murderous design.
The messengers went on their way, intent upon taking David’s life;
but One greater than Saul controlled them. They were met by unseen
angels, as was Balaam when he was on his way to curse Israel. They
began to utter prophetic sayings of what would occur in the future,
and proclaimed the glory and majesty of Jehovah. Thus God overruled
the wrath of man and manifested His power to restrain evil, while He
walled in His servant by a guard of angels.
The tidings reached Saul as he eagerly waited to have David in
his power; but instead of feeling the rebuke of God, he was still more
exasperated, and sent other messengers. These also were overpowered
by the Spirit of God, and united with the first in prophesying. The
third embassage was sent by the king; but when they came into the
company of the prophets, the divine influence fell upon them also, and
they prophesied. Saul then decided that he himself would go, for his
fierce enmity had become uncontrollable. He was determined to wait
for no further chance to kill David; as soon as he should come within
reach of him, he intended with his own hand to slay him, whatever
might be the consequences.
But an angel of God met him on the way and controlled him. The
Spirit of God held him in Its power, and he went forward uttering
prayers to God, interspersed with predictions and sacred melodies. He
prophesied of the coming Messiah as the world’s Redeemer. When he
came to the prophet’s home in Ramah, he laid aside the outer garments
that betokened his rank, and all day and all night he lay before Samuel