Page 187 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Workers Under God
evident to all that the counsel given is the right one. All methods
and plans are to be carefully considered so that all may become
intelligent in regard to their relative merits and decide which one
will be best to be followed in the missionary work that is to be done
in the fields that open before us. It will be well not only to consider
the fields to which duty seems to call us, but the difficulties that will
be encountered. Committees of counsel, as far as possible, should
let the people understand their plans, that the judgment of the church
may sustain their efforts. Many of the church members are prudent,
and have many other excellent qualities of mind. It is proper that
their wisdom should be exercised, that others may become aroused
in reference to the great questions to be considered. Many may be
awakened to the fact that they should have deeper insight into the
work of God.
Some are convinced that they are far behind in their knowledge
of the message, but God will help those who earnestly seek Him
for wisdom. None ever seek His mercy seat in vain. We should
earnestly seek wisdom from above, realizing that souls are perishing
for the word of life and that the kingdom of Christ is to be extended.
Men and women of noble minds will yet be added to the number of
those of whom it is said, “Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen
you, ... that ye should go and bring forth fruit.”
How to Secure Necessary Funds
From the beginning of our missionary work, we have been much
perplexed to know how we could secure funds adequate to the sup-
port of missionary enterprises in the fields which Providence has
opened before us. Missionary work is to be widely extended, and
those who believe the truth should avoid using their means in pur-
chasing that which is unnecessary. We are not to study our conve-
nience but rather our necessities. We shall have to bind about our
wants in order that there shall be means in the treasury to raise the
standard of truth in new territory.
Seek God; believe in Him who has infinite resources. If we move
wisely, putting our ability into the work, the good hand of God will
be upon us. We must push forward the work, not waiting to see
the funds in the treasury before we undertake it. God forbid that