Page 188 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
when His providence summons us to enter the fields white already
to harvest, our steps should be retarded by the cry, “Our treasury is
exhausted. We have no means to sustain the workers that are already
in the field, and it is impossible for us to enlarge our operations.”
We thank God that our Sabbath schools have contributed enough
to advance many a precious enterprise. Children and youth have
given their pennies, that like little rivulets have supplied a stream of
beneficence. Children should be educated in such a way that they
may perform unselfish acts which heaven will rejoice to see. When
the dew of youth is upon them children should be trained how to do
service for Christ. They should be taught self-denial.
The fields nigh and afar off belong to God; for the world is
His. Usurpers have taken possession of God’s earthly property, but
He will make a way so that the truth may be presented in the dark
corners of the earth. If men will only follow the leadings of the Holy
Spirit they will find ways and means by which the message may go
forth and gain a glorious victory.
Point Souls to Christ
The servants of God who live in obedience to His requirements,
who speak the truth in humility, will carry an influence with them
which will work for the salvation of many souls. But we must not
allow the people to hang helplessly upon us. We are human and
finite. We must direct them to Christ, saying, “Behold the Lamb
of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Jesus pleads the
case of His colaborers, but every hour they need to feel humble
dependence upon the Captain of their salvation, and through the
intercession of Christ our Advocate many souls will be saved unto
eternal life. The Lord has provided for the descent of the Holy
Spirit upon His workers, and everyone who sincerely seeks God will
find Him. We are to come boldly to the throne of grace, and seek
the footstool of mercy. We are to believe that the Lord hears and
answers our prayers. Our great High Priest who has passed into the
heavens says, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another
Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.” The Holy Spirit
abides with consecrated laborers who in any locality are seeking to
advance the cause.