Page 221 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Right Methods, Principles, and Motives
themselves freely in regard to subjects of which they knew nothing.
Conclusions have been accepted as the opinions of wise men, when
they were simply the opinions of novices.
The time has come when in the name and strength of God the
church must act for the good of souls and for the honor of God.
A lack of firm faith and of discernment in sacred things should be
regarded as sufficient to debar any man from connection with the
work of God. So also the indulgence of a quick temper, a harsh,
overbearing spirit, reveals that its possessor should not be placed
where he will be called to decide weighty questions that affect God’s
heritage. A passionate man should have no part to act in dealing
with human minds. He cannot be trusted to shape matters which
have a relation to those whom Christ has purchased at an infinite
price. If he undertakes to manage men, he will hurt and bruise their
souls; for he has not the fine touch, the delicate sensibility, which
the grace of Christ imparts. His own heart needs to be softened,
subdued by the Spirit of God; the heart of stone has not become a
heart of flesh.
All are to Represent Christ
Those who are thus misrepresenting Christ are placing a wrong
mold upon the work, for they encourage all who are connected with
them to do as they do. For their soul’s sake, for the sake of those
who are in danger from their influence, they should resign their
positions; for the record will appear in heaven that the wrongdoer
has the blood of many souls upon his garments. He has caused some
to become exasperated, so that they have given up the faith; others
have been imbued with his own satanic attributes, and the evil done
it is impossible to estimate. Those only who make it manifest that
their hearts are being sanctified through the truth should be retained
in positions of trust in the Lord’s work.
Let all consider that whatever their employment, they are to
represent Christ. With steadfast purpose let every man seek to have
the mind of Christ. Especially should those who have accepted the
position of directors or counselors feel that they are required to be
in every respect Christian gentlemen. While in dealing with others
we are always to be faithful, we should not be rude. The souls with