Page 222 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
whom we have to do are the Lord’s purchased possession, and we
are to permit no hasty, overbearing expression to escape the lips.
Brethren, treat men as men, not as servants to be ordered about
at your pleasure. He who indulges a harsh, overbearing spirit might
better become a tender of sheep as did Moses, and thus learn what it
means to be a true shepherd. Moses gained in Egypt an experience
as a mighty statesman and as a leader of the armies, but he did not
there learn the lessons essential for true greatness. He needed an
experience in more humble duties, that he might become a caretaker,
tender toward every living thing. In keeping the flocks of Jethro his
sympathies were called out to the sheep and lambs, and he learned
to guard these creatures of God with the gentlest care. Although
their voice could never complain of mistreatment, yet their attitude
might show much. God cares for all the creatures He has made. In
working for God in this lowly station, Moses learned to be a tender
shepherd for Israel.
Depending Upon God
The Lord would have us learn a lesson also from the experience
of Daniel. There are many who might become mighty men if like
this faithful Hebrew they would depend upon God for grace to be
overcomers, and for strength and efficiency in their labors. Daniel
manifested the most perfect courtesy, both toward his elders and
toward the youth. He stood as a witness for God, and sought to take
such a course that he might not be ashamed for heaven to hear his
words or to behold his works. When Daniel was required to partake
of the luxuries of the king’s table, he did not fly into a passion,
neither did he express a determination to eat and drink as he pleased.
Without speaking one word of defiance, he took the matter to God.
He and his companions sought wisdom from the Lord, and when
they came forth from earnest prayer their decision was made. With
true courage and Christian courtesy, Daniel presented the case to the
officer who had them in charge, asking that they might be granted a
simple diet. These youth felt that their religious principles were at
stake, and they relied upon God, whom they loved and served. Their
request was granted, for they had obtained favor with God and with