Page 249 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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To Brethren in Responsible Positions
Christiania, Norway,
October 1, 1885
Dear Brother-----,
I was more sorry than I can express to learn that under your
instruction Brethren-----and-----sought to restrict the work at the--
---camp meeting. You could not have advised them to do a worse
thing, and you should not have put a work into their hands that they
were not fitted to do in a wise manner. Be careful how you repress
advancing work in any locality. There is little enough being done in
any place, and it certainly is not proper to seek to curtail operations
in missionary lines.
After looking matters over carefully and prayerfully, I wrote as
I did in my notes of travel. I wanted to leave the matter in such
a shape as not to discourage the laborers in-----in their effort to
do something, although I desired to give them caution so that they
would not make any extreme moves in their plans. The workers were
doing well, and ought to have been encouraged and advised to go on
with their work. There are men in-----who should have helped them
by making needed donations to invest in the cause. They will have
to give to the work before they will grow in grace and the knowledge
of the truth.
You and your workers should have looked at this matter from
different points of view than you did. You should have investigated
the work thoroughly, and asked yourselves if five thousand dollars
was too large a debt to incur in the important work in which these
workers were engaged. Your influence should have been exerted
in such a way as to cause the people to see the importance of the
work, and to realize that it was their duty to rise to the emergency.
You should have done as I wrote of doing, in my notes of travel.
But if our brethren feel at liberty to stop the work when they cannot
see where money is coming from to sustain it, then the work will
not only be contracted in-----and-----, but in every other state in
the Union. If our workers are going forward in any place, do not
put up the bars, and say, Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther. I
feel sad that you have closed up the school at-----. I see that the
brethren sent to look after this enterprise have not taken measures to
advance the work by soliciting donations from men who could give.
There are rich men in the conference, who have made complaints