Page 250 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
about the debt that has been incurred, who ought to have sustained
these workers. While reproach and discouragement have been cast
upon the workers, the impression has been left upon those who have
means that they have a perfect right to question every enterprise that
calls for money.
When Personal Oversight of Details is Inconsistent
God does not require you to take such a course that the workers
in-----or anywhere else shall not feel at liberty to make advance
movements unless they can consult you, and ask what your judgment
of the matter is, before they advance. I cannot sanction the idea that
you must have a personal oversight of all the details of the work. If
I did, the result would be that no worker would dare to exercise his
own judgment in anything. The workers would have to rely upon
one man’s brain and one man’s judgment, and the result would be
that men would be left in inefficiency because of their inactivity.
There are altogether too many of this class now, and they amount to
next to nothing. I write this because I feel deeply on this point. We
are not doing one half that we ought to do.
It is true that the-----school must be sustained, but this need not
hinder us from sustaining other schools. We should have primary
schools in different localities to prepare the youth for our higher
schools. It may seem to you that it is wise to close the school in-
----, but I fail to see the wisdom of it. To close up this school will
seem to reflect discredit upon all that the people have done, and will
discourage them from making further advancement. I cannot see
that you have gained anything in making the move that you have,
nor can I feel that it is in accordance with God’s order. It will work
nothing but injury, not only to those that have complained about the
debt, but also to the workers. Men who have property and could
have helped this enterprise will breathe more freely. These moneyed
men will be encouraged, not to do more for the cause than they have
done, but to do less. They will feel at liberty to complain concerning
anything that calls for an outlay of means.