Page 269 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Conference Officials
Impartial and Unselfish
He who is selected as the president of the General Conference,
should, in the fear of God, stand in his lot and place, without par-
tiality, and with unselfish interests. He should be a faithful steward.
He should be a priest and wise ruler over his own house. He should
make manifest that he understands the work of governing his own
family wisely, and in the fear of God. If this is neglected, he will
carry his defects with him into his work. If any man evidences that
the love and fear of God is kept away from the center of his being
lest the truth should control his life practice, while worldly things
are made all and in all, he is not the man, even for local elder.
Advice is asked of those in Battle Creek regarding matters which
could just as well be settled by men on the ground, if they would
seek the Lord, and which ought to have been done within their own
borders. The Lord declares He is nigh to all that call upon Him
with a sincere heart. Said Christ, “Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” This
promise is made doubly and trebly sure. There is no failure with
God. Today men who are presidents of conferences are less efficient
and strong and able than they should be, because they place man
where God should be, and they receive only that which man can give
Seek Counsel of God
Presidents of conferences, you will be wise if you will decide to
come to God. Believe in Him. He will hear your prayers, and come
to your assistance, in much less time than the public conveyances
could take one, two, three, or four men from a long distance, at a
great expense, to decide questions which the God of wisdom can
decide far better for you. He has promised, “If any of you lack
wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” If you will sincerely
humble your hearts before Him, empty your souls of self-esteem,
and put away the natural defects of your character, and overcome
your love of supremacy, and come to God as little children, He will
bestow on you His Holy Spirit. When two or three shall agree as
touching anything, and shall ask the Lord, in the name of Jesus, it