Page 270 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
shall be done for them.
When it is deemed expedient to invest means in school buildings,
in sanitariums, or in homes for the poor in any country, in order to
establish the work there, the Lord would have those who are living
in that locality walk humbly before Him, and show that they realize
their personal dependence upon Him, and that they believe in His
willingness to help them to plan, to devise, to arrange intelligently
for His work. He is as willing to give wisdom to those who feel the
value of divine grace, as to give wisdom to some other mind, who
will then, at great expense, communicate the same to you. Where is
your faith? Will men turn from the God of wisdom to seek wisdom
from finite men, sending for men from a long distance to come and
help them out of perplexity? How does the Lord look upon this?
Each one may entertain the idea that he believes in God. You
are working in one part of His great moral vineyard, and He has told
you that if any man lack wisdom, he is to ask of God, who giveth to
all men liberally, and upbraideth not. This world is but a little atom
in the vast domain over which God presides, and yet this little fallen
world is more precious in His sight than the ninety and nine which
went not astray from the fold. If we will make Him our trust, He
will not leave us to become the sport of Satan’s temptations. God
would have every soul for whom Christ has died become a part of
the vine, connected with the parent stock, drawing nourishment from
it. Our dependence on God is absolute, and should keep us very
humble; and because of our dependence on Him, our knowledge
of Him should be greatly increased. God would have us put away
every species of selfishness, and come to Him, not as the owner of
ourselves, but as the Lord’s purchased possession.
A Successful Businessman
Daniel sought the Lord three times a day, in earnest prayer for
wisdom and strength and courage to carry forward the enterprise of
representing the only true God in wicked Babylon. You will often be
perplexed to know what to do next; but do not get pen and paper and
write your perplexities to Battle Creek. There may be disagreement
upon some points, but your Counselor is nigh. Bow before Him, and
tell Him of everything you need. Can the men in Battle Creek give