Page 271 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Conference Officials
you light? They cannot understand your necessity. Because they are
not on the ground, they may say No to some things, when, had you
asked of God, He would have answered, “Go forward, and I will be
with you, and give you grace.”
For many years an education has been given to the people which
places God second, and man first. The people have been taught that
everything must be brought before the council of a few men in Battle
Creek. God has given you an opportunity to see the weakness of
finite men. Are there not men in different states of America who
walk right in the sight of God?
Are there not registered in the books of heaven the names of
those who love and serve God? Cannot they plan? Have those in
Battle Creek been given superior reason and wisdom that God will
not give those in the churches and state conferences? “If any of you
lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
The churches would realize one hundredfold more of the work-
ings of the Holy Spirit if ministers would educate all to bear in mind
that they have a God nigh at hand, and not afar off, and that they
can honor God by seeking Him for help and wisdom just where they
are. They will then have ability which will strengthen the General
There is talent in every place, but it is not always recognized.
This talent should be discerned and set to work. Under the operation
of the Spirit of God, talent will grow by being used. But God is
greatly dishonored when men are placed in the position where God
should be. He alone can give unerring counsel.
Men have been in council in Battle Creek who cannot appreciate
the situation of matters in the different localities, as those can who
are right on the ground; and it is not wise for men to seek to men, and
place such dependence in a few men at Battle Creek, some of whom
have walked apart from God for years. To accept the judgment of
these men, and to send for them from a long distance to sit in council,
has done great dishonor to God. By this you show that you place
men, who are unsanctified in heart, where God should be.
Supposing that some mistakes are made by those in different
places. They may be of far less consequence than the errors made
by those at the heart of the work. Cannot you go to the great Leader,