Page 277 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Conference Officials
answer came, Because their hearts are lifted up unto vanity. They
are beguiled. They do not know how weak they are. There are many
who will be deluded, and who, by pen and voice, will cast their
whole influence to create an evil condition of things (a condition
that will exist just the same whatever they may do); but they should
not be bound up with the evil workers. All who are longing for
some engagement that will represent Jehu riding furiously will have
opportunity enough to distinguish themselves. Their arm will be
linked with his who was once an exalted angel, and who has not
forgotten his manners in the heavenly courts. These manners he will
assume; and in representing persons, he will lure many whose life is
not hid with Christ in God.
Why Love Waxes Cold
Because iniquity abounds, the love of many waxes cold. Why
should their love wax cold? Because they have not humbled their
hearts and fled to their refuge, Jesus Christ. They thought they knew
so much that they became fools, and allowed themselves to become
depraved. Thus many souls will be lost. Worldly plans and devisings
and strange sentiments and principles will be put forth by the prince
of the power of the air, which are directly opposed to the law of
God. Here we should reserve all our influence to act in upholding
the truth. The sentiments brought to the front by politicians will
be voiced by some who claim to be Sabbath keepers. What angels
attend these in the pulpit as they stand up to give the flock poison
instead of pure wheat, thoroughly winnowed? Here is the working
of satanic agencies to bring in confusion, to bewitch the minds of
old and young. Those who have been walking humbly with God will
not be engrossed in advocating either side of this question. They
will place themselves under His guardianship, and reveal that they
are learning lessons from the Great Teacher, who has said, “Come
unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you
All this excitement and unrest is placing the mind where it will
not dwell on the truth. Do you suppose that the world, the flesh, and
the devil would be able to link up those souls who are humble and
lowly of heart, and blind their understanding, so that they cannot