Page 278 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
tell what sort of companions they are choosing? If the eyes of many
could be opened in their heedless march, they would see a mighty
procession of people of all classes, all kinds, all nations, passing in
the same ranks, classing themselves as the companions of demons,
rapidly moving on in a continually swelling procession to certain
What shall I say? The faith of many, including those who preach
the word, must be something different from what it is now, else their
future eternal destiny is settled. The word of God, studied carefully
and obeyed, is the only thing that will make man pure and keep him
pure. This alone can save him from meddling with all the iniquities
that prevail. Christians are to bear the stamp of the King of kings.
All in our world are taking sides. We are not to take part in this
political money strife. It has come into our ranks.
There are those, even among Seventh-day Adventists, who are
under the reproof of the word of God, because of the way they
acquired their property and use it, acting as if they owned it and
created it, without an eye to the glory of God, and without earnest
prayer to direct them in acquiring or using it. They are grasping at a
serpent, which will sting them as an adder.
The Safe Way
Of God’s people He says, “Her merchandise and her hire shall be
holiness to the Lord: it shall not be treasured nor laid up.” But many
who profess to believe the truth do not want God in their thoughts,
any more than did the antediluvians or Sodomites. One sensible
thought of God, awakened by the Holy Spirit, would spoil all their
schemes. Self, self, self, has been their god, their alpha and their
Christians are safe in acquiring money as God directs, and using
it in channels which He can bless. God permits us to use His goods
with an eye single to His glory to bless ourselves that we may bless
others. Those who have adopted the world’s maxim, and discarded
God’s specifications, who grasp all they can obtain of wages or
goods, are poor, poor indeed, because the frown of God is upon
them. They walk in paths of their own choosing, and do dishonor to
God, to truth, to His goodness, to His mercy, His character.