Page 310 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
“Let This Mind Be in You”
But there must be no self-exaltation in the work of God. However
much we know, however great our mental endowments, none of us
can boast; for what we possess is but an entrusted gift, lent us on
trial. The faithful improvement of these endowments decides our
destiny for eternity; but we have nothing whereby we should exalt
self or lift us up, for that which we have is not our own.
We are to be courteous toward all men, tenderhearted and sym-
pathetic; for this was the character Christ manifested when on earth.
The more closely we are united with Jesus Christ, the more tender
and affectionate will be our conduct toward one another. The re-
demption of the human race was planned that man, fallen though
he was, might be partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the
corruption that is in the world through lust. If by His grace we be-
come partakers of the divine nature, our influence upon those around
us is not dangerous but beneficial. Looking unto Jesus, the Author
and Finisher of our faith, we can be a blessing to all with whom
we associate; for the Holy Spirit’s power upon the human heart can
make and keep it pure.
Those who do not receive Christ as their personal Saviour, who
do not feel the need of His grace upon heart and character, cannot
influence those around them for good. Whatever their station in
life, they will carry with them an influence that Satan will use in his
service. Such lose all hope of eternal life themselves, and by their
wrong example lead others astray.
Study the Cross
The cross of Calvary means everything to perishing souls.
Through the suffering and death of the Son of man, the salvation
of man was made possible. Through the agency of the Holy Spirit
God designs that His image shall be restored in humanity, that a
new and living principle of life shall be introduced into the minds
that have become defiled by sin. The love of God is fully able to
restore, rebuild, encourage, and strengthen every believing soul who
will accept the truth as it is in Jesus. But in order that this may be
accomplished, men must yoke up with Christ. The cross of Christ
must be studied. It must rivet the attention and hold the affections.