Page 311 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Appeals for Truth and Loyalty
The blood which there was shed for sins will purify and cleanse
mind and heart from every species of selfishness.
Sanctified Through the Truth
God is the author of all truth; and truth practiced prepares the way
for more advanced truth. When God’s delegated servants proclaim
fresh truth, the Holy Spirit moves upon the mind which has been
prepared by walking in the light, quickening the perceptive faculties
to discern the beauty and majesty of truth.
But the truth is no truth to the one who does not reveal, by his
elevated spiritual character, a power beyond that which the world can
give, an influence corresponding in its sacred, peculiar character to
the truth itself. He who is sanctified by the truth will exert a saving,
vital influence upon all with whom he comes in contact. This is
Bible religion.
Men, saved only by the atoning sacrifice of Christ Jesus, have
no right to seek to exalt themselves above their fellowmen. Let
them sit at the feet of Jesus, and learn of Him, striving not to make
themselves shine. If the love of Jesus Christ abides in them, they
will shine unconsciously, diffusing the light of the glory of Christ
through the world. “I, if I be lifted up,” Christ said, “will draw all
men unto Me.” If a minister makes Christ his hope, his trust, his
dependence, he is one with Christ, a laborer together with God; and
by his ministry, souls are converted to Christ.
All Ability is from God
There are those who are not learned and who have not a large
endowment of gifts, but they need not become discouraged because
of this. Let them use what they have, faithfully guarding every weak
point in their characters, seeking by divine grace to make it strong.
There is no man living that has any power or ability which he has not
received from God, and the source from whence it came is open to
the weakest human being. If he will draw near to God, the unfailing
source of strength, he will realize that God fulfills His promise. But
in this work, we need not call men thousands of miles to give us aid;
for Christ has promised, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and
ye shall find.”