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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
property holders. A pamphlet entitled “Systematic Benevolence, or
the Bible Plan of Supporting the Ministry,” published in 1878 by
the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, states the matter
concisely in a question and an answer:
“‘How much ought I to give for the support of the gospel?’
“‘After carefully viewing the subject from all points, we answer,
A tithe of all our income.’”
Page 32.
Pamphlet issued by Brother S
: See Appendix Note for
page 23
Page 41.
The one object on earth dear to the heart of God
also page 49): this assuring message from the pen of Ellen White
was repeated by her on several later occasions:
“We should remember that the church, enfeebled and defective
though it be, is the only object on earth on which Christ bestows
His supreme regard. He is constantly watching it with solicitude,
and is strengthening it by His Holy Spirit.”—
Manuscript 155, 1902
(November 22, 1902). Published in
Selected Messages 2:396
“Trust to God’s guardianship. His church is to be taught. En-
feebled and defective though it is, it is the object of His supreme
Letter 279, 1904
(August 1, 1904). Published in
Messages 2:396
“Nothing in this world is so dear to God as His church. With
jealous care He guards those who seek Him. Nothing so offends
God as for the servants of Satan to strive to rob His people of their
rights. The Lord has not forsaken His people.”—
Letter 136, 1910
(Nov. 26, 1910). Published in
Selected Messages 2:397
Page 57:
Eli Curtis
: On April 21, 1847, Ellen G. White ad-
dressed a letter to Eli Curtis, answering a number of questions which
he asked concerning certain of his theological views. The body of
her letter was published by James White in May, 1847, in
A Word
to the Little Flock, 11, 12
(currently available). Mr. Curtis is also
referred to in
Selected Messages 1:60, 61
Page 58.
Letter to Brother S
: Another letter dealing with this
subject, addressed to Mr. Caldwell, an ardent disciple of Mr. Stanton
and one who journeyed to Australia to carry the new message of “the
loud cry” of the third angel to Ellen White and to solicit her support
in the movement, is published in
Selected Messages 2:63-71