Page 423 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Appendix Notes
Page 64.
Manifestation of the Holy Spirit condemned as fanati-
: In 1893 the Spirit of God was poured out in a marked manner
at the General Conference session in Battle Creek, and at the college.
Unfortunately there were some who felt that this was an indication of
fanaticism. See
Selected Messages 1:130, 131
, for another reference
to this experience
Page 76.
The spirit which ran riot at Minneapolis
: The back-
ground of the 1888 General Conference held at Minneapolis, and
its aftermath, is traced briefly in the historical foreword. This forms
the basis for a better understanding of this and other statements in
Testimonies to Ministers
touching on the experience at Minneapolis
Page 76.
Publishing institution at Battle Creek and unrighteous
: This and other statements relating to the publishing house
at Battle Creek should be read in the light of situations which existed
there in the 1890’s, as described in the Historical Foreword
Page 78.
One institution seeking to control other institutions
The reader is directed to the Historial Foreword for the background
of institutional relationships as they existed in the early and middle
1890’s, and to steps which were undertaken at that time to consol-
idate various Seventh-day Adventist institutions into one working
Page 79.
Minneapolis meeting
: See explanation in Historical
Page 83.
Bicycle race
: See also page 398. In 1895, Ellen White
was given a view of happenings in Battle Creek. Among other scenes
which passed before her was one involving bicycles used in racing,
and a strife for the mastery. See
Testimonies for the Church 8:51, 52
At the time this scene was presented, the bicycle was not known as
an economical means of transportation, but was rather a rich man’s
toy. Bicycles were being purchased by our young people in Battle
Creek, not to provide needed transportation to work or school, but
rather as a demonstration of superiority, for show, and in the seeking
of supremacy. The young people were mortgaging their incomes
for months in advance to buy what was then an expensive piece
of equipment to be so used. Within a few years’ time, the bicycle
became a useful and inexpensive means of transportation