Page 424 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
Page 89.
Light despised by some
: See statement regarding the
message of righteousness by faith in Historical Foreword
Page 91.
Message sent through Elders Waggoner and Jones
See statement regarding the message of righteousness by faith in
Historical Foreword
Page 96.
Those who have stood for years resisting light
: See
statement regarding Minneapolis experience in Historical Foreword
Page 117.
Book published by Elder Haskell
: The reference here
is to a book entitled
The Story of Daniel the Prophet
, published in
1901 by Elder S. N. Haskell. It is a volume of 340 pages presenting
a brief comment on the prophecies of Daniel. This statement by
Mrs. White was penned in the year 1902. Three years later Elder
Haskell published a companion volume entitled,
The Story of the
Seer of Patmos
, commenting on the book of Revelation
Page 146.
Sensuality, licentiousness, and adultery
: The minister
is not free from subtle temptation. In fact, the minister often becomes
the special point of Satan’s attack. Sensuality, licentiousness, and
adultery are presented as among the sins committed by those who
bear the message. But on page 153, Ellen White indicates that it was
“some” who were not true. These references are grossly misused
if it is assumed that the rebuke applies to the ministry generally.
It must be remembered that there was a Judas among the twelve.
The warnings stand forth that each may guard his own personal
experience and that this condition shall not exist
Page 160.
Ministerial institutes
: The institutes referred to here
were held quite frequently in the late 1880’s and early 1890’s, some-
times extending over quite a period of time. Reference on page
401 indicates that such institutes were quite necessary following the
General Conference of 1888, that our workers might be properly in-
structed and indoctrinated in those truths which they were presenting
to the people
Page 197.
Receiving gifts from Gentiles or heathen
: See also
pages 202, 203. In the latter part of 1893, Elder A. T. Robinson,
leading out in the work of the church in South Africa and wishing
to secure land for the establishment of a mission among the na-
tives, arranged for an interview with Cecil Rhodes, premier of Cape
Colony and head of the British South African Company operating