Page 429 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Appendix Notes
nesses report that the whole building seemed to burst into flames
almost simultaneously. When informed of this disaster, Ellen White
wrote: “I was not surprised by the sad news, for in the visions of the
night I have seen an angel standing with a sword as of fire stretched
over Battle Creek.”—
Testimonies for the Church 8:97
Page 374.
The counsel of men as the voice of God
: See Historical
Foreword for the background of the situation in Battle Creek in the
mid-1890’s in which men were looking to men rather than to God
Page 397.
The heart of the work enfeebled by mismanagement
See Historical Foreword for background of the situation here de-
Page 398.
Bicycles and other needless things
: See Appendix
Note for page 83
Page 400.
Do not colonize
: The interests at Battle Creek had
drawn many Seventh-day Adventists to that center. On A number of
occasions Ellen White counseled that our people should scatter out
and let their light shine. Consistently the counsel has come through
the years, warning against Seventh-day Adventists’ colonizing. At
the same time she counseled those who would leave Battle Creek to
guard against precipitous movements. See these counsels in
Messages, 2:361-364
Page 401.
Ministerial institutes
: See Appendix Note for page
Page 427.
Fornication is in our ranks
: Ellen White’s words
on page 404 are significant. “All should bear in mind that Satan’s
special efforts are directed against the ministry.” Unfortunately some
betrayed their trust. The solemn messages found in this section have
served through the years as a warning. Stringent policies now in
force, making it impossible for a minister once found guilty of a
violation of the seventh commandment ever again to bear the sacred
credentials, have been an effective means in meeting the situation
here brought before the church leaders by Ellen White
Page 460.
Vision at Salamanca
: See
Life Sketches
, Pages 309-
318, for the story of the vision given at Salamanca and of the pre-
sentation of the instruction given in this vision
Page 462.
References to consolidation and confederation
: See
Historical Foreword for the presentation of the steps which were