Page 430 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
taken, beginning in 1889, to consolidate the publishing and other
interests of the denomination
Page 467.
Prejudice and opinions that prevailed at Minneapolis
See Historical Foreword for the backgrounds of the Minneapolis
Conference of 1888
Page 468.
Slighted, spoken against, ridiculed, and rejected
Reference is here made to the attitude which some took in resistance
to the emphasis given to the message of righteousness by faith at and
following the General Conference session of 1888. See Historical
Foreword for a fuller statement indicating that while some took the
attitude here referred to there were many who received the message
and gained a great blessing in their own personal experience
Page 469. “
American Sentinel
:” This journal published weekly
by the Pacific Press was devoted to the interests of religious liberty.
It was the forerunner of
Page 472.
Snares of Satan
: As indicated in the credit, this
chapter was published originally in the year 1884 in
The Spirit of
, volume IV. This was a volume written for the church. As
Ellen White planned for the presentation of the story that we now
know as the “Conflict of the Ages” series, which could be circulated
generally, she chose to leave out of the enlarged
Great Controversy
published in 1888, some portions written particularly for the church.
She recognized that there were some things which could be said
appropriately to the church that were not as appropriate for those
who were not church members
Page 475.
Somebody is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah
These words have been mistakenly applied by some to some indi-
vidual who it was thought would appear with a prophetic message
subsequent to Mrs. White’s life and work. The three paragraphs
comprising this article titled “Let heaven Guide” are only a small
portion of a talk given by Ellen White in Battle Creek, Michigan,
the morning of January 29, 1890. As this was published in the
Review and Herald of February 18, 1890
, it carried the title of “How
to meet a Controverted Point of Doctrine.” Other excerpts drawn
from this article and used largely to fill out certain pages of this vol-
ume, may be found on pages 23, 104, 111, 119, 158, 278, and 386.
The article has been reproduced in its entirety in
Selected Messages
, with the portion comprising the excerpt entitled “Let