Page 49 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Church of Christ
granted, as did the Jews and people of the time of Christ. They
would be partakers of the same spirit that demanded the death of the
Son of God.
In the scene representing the work of Christ for us, and the
determined accusation of Satan against us, Joshua stands as the high
priest, and makes request in behalf of God’s commandment-keeping
people. At the same time Satan represents the people of God as
great sinners, and presents before God the list of sins he has tempted
them to commit through their lifetime, and urges that because of
their transgressions, they be given into his hands to destroy. He
urges that they should not be protected by ministering angels against
the confederacy of evil. He is full of anger because he cannot bind
the people of God into bundles with the world, to render to him
complete allegiance. Kings and rulers and governors have placed
upon themselves the brand of antichrist, and are represented as the
dragon who goes to make war with the saints—with those who keep
the commandments of God and who have the faith of Jesus. In their
enmity against the people of God, they show themselves guilty also
of the choice of Barabbas instead of Christ.
The World Called to Account
God has a controversy with the world. When the judgment shall
sit, and the books shall be opened, He has an awful account to settle,
which would now make the world fear and tremble were men not
blinded and bewitched by satanic delusions and deceptions. God
will call the world to account for the death of His only-begotten Son,
whom to all intents and purposes the world has crucified afresh, and
put to open shame in the persecution of His people. The world has
rejected Christ in the person of His saints, has refused His messages
in the refusal of the messages of prophets, apostles, and messengers.
They have rejected those who have been colaborers with Christ, and
for this they will have to render an account.
Satan stands at the head of all the accusers of the brethren; but
when he presents the sins of the people of God, what does the
Lord answer? He says, “The Lord rebuke [not Joshua, who is a
representative of the tried and chosen people of God, but] thee, O
Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not