Page 50 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
this a brand plucked out of the fire? Now Joshua was clothed with
filthy garments, and stood before the Angel.” Satan had represented
the chosen and loyal people of God as being full of defilement and
sin. He could depict the particular sins of which they had been
guilty. Had he not set the whole confederacy of evil at work to lead
them, through his seductive arts, into these very sins? But they had
repented, they had accepted the righteousness of Christ. They were
therefore standing before God clothed with the garments of Christ’s
righteousness, and “He answered and spake unto those that stood
before Him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And
unto him He said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from
thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.” Every sin of
which they had been guilty was forgiven, and they stood before God
as chosen and true, as innocent, as perfect, as though they had never
The Encouraging Word
“And I said, Let them set a fair miter upon his head. So they
[the angels of God] set a fair miter upon his head, and clothed
him with garments. And the Angel of the Lord stood by [Jesus
their Redeemer]. And the Angel of the Lord protested unto Joshua,
saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; If thou wilt walk in My ways,
and if thou wilt keep My charge, then thou shalt also judge My
house, and shalt also keep My courts, and I will give thee places to
walk among these that stand by.” I wish that all who claim to believe
present truth would think seriously of the wonderful things presented
in this chapter. However weak and compassed with infirmity the
people of God may be, those who turn from disloyalty to God
in this wicked and perverse generation, and come back to their
allegiance, standing to vindicate the holy law of God, making up
the breach made by the man of sin under the direction of Satan, will
be accounted the children of God, and through the righteousness of
Christ will stand perfect before God. Truth will not always lie in the
dust to be trampled underfoot of men. It will be magnified and made
honorable; it will yet arise and shine forth in all its natural luster,
and will stand fast forever and ever.